On-line talk March 29 2023: History of AI in the Arts – the UK in the 1970s

7pm in the UK – 2pm in NYC, via Zoom 

Join me for a special on-line session with 3 pioneers of computer and computational art – precursors of today’s AI & Generative Art, all of whom have a connection to the Slade School of Art and Leicester Polytechnic in the early to late 1970s.

Ernest Edmonds will describe his pioneering work with Stroud Cornock at Leicester Polytechnic, the Invention of Problems events in 1970-71, his friendship with Edward Ihnatowicz, the relationship with the Slade and the formation of the Human Computer Interface Research Unit. Stephen Bell, one of the Slade students who continued his research with Ernest, will also talk about Dominic Boreham another student who went on to the HCIRU. Paul Brown, another student at the Slade and later a Research Fellow there, will talk about his friendship with Harold Cohen and Chris Briscoe and discuss his own work with AI and A-life.

FREE! Please book here: Or watch via YouTube

Remembering Cybernetic Serendipity

Fifty years on from Cybernetic Serendipity, the 1968 exhibition of computer art, Studio International remembers the impact and legacy of this seminal show.  Read my article which looks at the history of the exhibition and how it has shaped digital art in the years since.

AND Congratulations to Paul Brown for his show Process, Chance, and Serendipity: Art That Makes Itself at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington D.C. on now until 15 July 2018.  Read a review in the New Scientist.