
Solo-authored books:

Creative Simulations: George Mallen and the early Computer Arts Society, Springer, 2024

A Computer in the Art Room: The Origins of British Computer Arts 1950-1980, JJG, Norfolk, 2008. ebook edition of above – 2021

Janice Sylvia Brock: My Life on Canvas, I B Tauris, London, 2013

Co-edited book:

White Heat and Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960-1980 edited by Charlie Gere, Paul Brown, Nicholas Lambert and Catherine Mason, Leonardo imprint, MIT Press, Cambridge MASS, 2009

Book Chapters:

“A Quest for Collaboration: Computer Arts and The Origins of New Media Education” in History and Theory a volume in The Encyclopedia of New Media Art, edited by Charlie Gere and Francesca Franco [forthcoming Bloomsbury, London]

“The Routes toward British Computer Arts: The Role of Cultural Institutions in the Pioneering Period” in White Heat and Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960-1980 edited by Charlie Gere, Paul Brown, Nicholas Lambert and Catherine Mason, Leonardo imprint, MIT Press, Cambridge MASS, 2009

“Towards a History of the Digital Print in Britain”, in The Personalised Surface: New Approaches to Digital Printmaking, edited by Paul Coldwell and Barbara Rauch, Chelsea College of Art & Design, London 2009

Peer-Reviewed Papers:

“Computation, AI, and Creativity”, Proceedings of EVA London 2024 (EVA 2024), July 2024: DOI: 10.14236/ewic/EVA2024.1

“An Element of Perfection: The Transductive Art of Robert Mallary” Review of Machine Art Special Issue of Arts 2022  https://doi.org/10.3390/arts11020050

“The Fortieth Anniversary Of Event One” Electronic Visualisation and the Arts EVA London, 2009

“Towards a History of the Digital Print in Britain” The Personalised Surface Symposium at the Victoria & Albert Museum, with Paul Coldwell and Michael Craig-Martin, 2009

“Re-Searching Our Origins – Critical and Archival Histories of the Electronic Arts”, Special Issue of  Leonardo Electronic Almanac April 2005, co-edited with Paul Brown

“A Computer in the Art Room” CHArt conference, November 2004 Futures Past: Thirty Years of Arts Computing, Proceedings of the CHArt Twentieth Annual Conference held at Birkbeck College, University of London, November 2004, edited by A Bentkowska-Kafel, T. Cashen and H. Gardiner CHArt Conference Proceedings, volumne vii, Intellect Books Bristol, 2008 

Catalogue Essays:

“Infinite Variety: Harold Cohen and Cybernetics in the 1960s” for Harold Cohen catalogue at Gazelli Art House, 2024

“As if Stirred by Magic”, essay for Feeding Consciousness: Dominic Harris at Halycon Gallery, 2023

“A Triumph of Modern Transformations” essay for Tyler Hobbs at Unit London, 2023

“From Mind to Machine, computer drawing in art history” catalogue essay for Writing New Codes at The Mayor Gallery, London 2018

“Bits in Motion” Catalogue/Programme for screening and panel event at the National Film Theatre, London, 7th March 2006

Magazine Articles:

Studio International:

“Infinite Variety: Harold Cohen and Cybernetics in the 1960s” essay in Studio International, 2024

“Interview with Dominic Harris” filmed on the occasion of his show at Halcyon Gallery, Studio International, 2023

“Harold Cohen: the AARON Retrospective” exhibition review for Studio International, 2022

“London’s Arts Labs and the 60s Avant-Garde” book review in Studio International, 2020

“Networked art in Lockdown: how can we be creative in new ways?” article in Studio International, 2020

“Gustav Metzger in King’s Lynn”, article in Studio International, 2019

Exhibition Review of AI More than Human at the Barbican, in Studio International, 2019

Cybernetic Serendipity: History and Lasting Legacy article in Studio International, 2018

Chance and Control: Art in the Age of Computers exhibition review in Studio International, 2018

The Tickle:

Monthly column about computer and digital art history from issue #80, 2023 – ongoing


Computer Art Image of the Month a regular column I wrote from 2011-2014 for the British Computer Society’s website and ITNow magazine.

Kaleidoscopic Calculations Herbert W Franke  ITNow, British Computer Society, February 2013

Computer Art Review of the Year for BCS publication Digital Leaders, May 2015

“Jeremy Gardiner Unfolding Landscape” Book Review in The Art Quarterly, June 2013

Towards a History of Kinetic art in Britain” unpublished chapter writtten for Kinetica Museum, 2011 (warning: large PDF!)

“Routes Towards British Computer Arts: Educational institutions” Page 57, Summer 2004, Bulletin of the Computer Arts Society

CACHe Project Special Issue of PAGE A research project in the Department of History of Art and Screen Media at Birkbeck, University of London, Computer Arts Society, Autumn 2005


Showcase, the arts programme of TRT World television, speaking about painting in the digital age, November 2017

Computer Arts radio interview on Front Row BBC Radio 4, 16 November 2012

Picture Research:

The Fundamentals of Digital Art by Richard Colson, AVA Publishing 2007