I was saddened to hear of the passing of Alan Sutcliffe at the end of February; he was a great pioneer of computer arts, including music and graphics. Alan was a big source of inspiration and support to me when writing A Computer in the Art Room and I feel proud that we have this and White Heat Cold Logic to stand as a legacy to at least one aspect of his creative life. Here he is in 2008 at the launch of A Computer in the Art Room, reminiscing with Stroud Cornock, watched by Jeni Bougourd and Gustav Metzger. See my obit for the BCS here: http://www.bcs.org/content/conWebDoc/52263.
Month: March 2014
Going with the Flow

James Faure Walker’s art is fundamentally about painting; the act of applying paint, whether it be digital or physical, to a surface. The pictorial elements of line, form, space and most of all colour work together to create an art that is appealing to the eye, yet intrigues and resonates with the viewer, staying with us long after we look away. Our featured image this month for the BCS is no exception, read the full article here.