Computer Arts Society trip to Bletchley Park – Monday 28 May 2012

In celebration of ALAN TURNING YEAR I am organising a special trip sponsored by the Computer Arts Society to Bletchley Park and the National Museum of Computing. You are invited to join what I’m sure will be a fascinating day in the company of like-minded arts people.

The tour (10.30am to 5.15pm approx) costs £17.00 and includes: Morning tea/coffee & biscuits on arrival. Tour of the Bletchley campus and buildings with their guide. A sandwich lunch. A chance to view Colossus and other interesting items in the National Museum of Computing on a short visit (including Ele Carpenter’s Html Patchwork). Afternoon tea, coffee & cake.

Please make your own travel arrangements to arrive by 10.15 for a 10.30 start. There is a direct train from Euston. Bletchley train station is 300 yards from the entrance to the Park  for more travel info see:

There is a maximum of 50 spaces available on this trip, so please sign up ASAP!  Contact me to register your name and contact details (email & mobile number).

This trip is being generously subsidised by the Computer Arts Society and is run as a non-profit event.